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September 2022


Our move to new labs is complete and went really smoothly. We’re loving the brand new facilities and heaps of space. Soooo many people were helpful with the move both in our lab, at the Doherty Institute, and at the Medical building – thanks everyone. Feel free to come and visit us at the north wing of the 6th floor of the tri-radiate medical building #181. Some photos of the nice new space below.

We had a really fun lab ski retreat to the Melb Uni Mt Buller lodge recently – see photos. The weather and snow were not perfect, but a good time had by all none-the-less. Thanks to Wen Shi and Jane for organizing it so well.

Big news is that Isaac and wife Val welcomed a baby girl, Melissa, and all doing well. Isaac was due to give a committee meeting presentation and final PhD oration the very week that things started to happen, so they’ve been pushed back as he relishes being a new Dad!

Sam and Ebene have given PhD and MPhil final orations respectively recently – both did super well and Amy and Stephen are very proud of their achievements. They are writing up and exploring future opportunities now! Attached are their presentation posters.

Lara started work with Marios as a postdoc recently funded by his Locarnini-Morningside Fellowship – she did a great PhD with Pat Reading through the Bonn-UoM PhD scheme and has settled in really well. Marios is spending a few months in the US soon with Ali Elebeddy’s group in St Louis – they are very well known for various studies of lymph node/bone marrow immunity and no doubt Marios will have a productive and educational time there.


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